Madson & Meriellie Oliveira

Madson & Miriellie Oliveira, BCMW Brazil Coordinator

Madson & Meriellie Oliveira


Madson C. Oliveira holds a master’s degree in Pastoral Theology with an emphasis in Biblical Counseling from the Seminário Cristão Evangélico do Norte and is senior pastor of the Igreja Cristã Evangélica do Cohatrac – in São Luís -MA. He specializes in Biblical Theology at CPAJ-Mackenzie, Religious Sciences at FATEH and Freudian Psychoanalytic
Theory at SPOB-MA.

Madson is currently a doctoral student in the area of Pastoral Ministry with an emphasis in Biblical Counseling at CPAJ – Mackenzie. He also serves as a biblical counselor and the ministerial director for the Teléios School of Counseling.

In 2015, Madson abandoned his career as a psychoanalyst after being disappointed with the method and dedicated himself entirely to biblical counseling when he met Pastor Jayro Cáceres and the literature of Jay Adams, Wayne Mack, Heath Lambert, and John Street. After obtaining a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry, he has dedicated himself to teaching, writing, and practicing biblical counseling.

Madson is married to Meriellie Brandão, and together they are parents of Alice and Théo. In 2020, Madson and Meriellie opened the Teléios School of Counseling, which is a ministerial training school for biblical counselors that equips through lectures, courses, and mentoring online and in person where they serve churches and Christians throughout the north and northeast of Brazil.

Several of Madson’s works are also published in Portuguese: Don’t Be Anxious: A Basic Guide to Dealing
Biblically with Anxiety; Depression and Biblical Counseling; Death Knocks at the Door: How
Christians Should Deal with the Sensitive Topic of Death, and Lamp for My Feet: Biblical
Reflections to Light the Way.

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