
CLT Module 2: Maranhão, Brazil

ICE Coatrac, Maranhão, Brazil Maranhão, Brazil

Module 2 - Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It? Teaching the process and procedures of biblical counseling

CLT Module 2: Antananarivo, Madagascar

Antananarivo, Madagascar Antananarivo, Madagascar

Module 2 Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It? Teaching the Process and Procedures of Biblical Counseling

CLT Module 2: Toamasina, Madagascar

Toamasina, Madagascar Toamasina, Madagascar

Module 2 Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It? Teaching the Process and Procedures of Biblical Counseling

CLT Module 2: Espírito Santo, Brazil

Igreja Reformada de Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil Rua Antônio Ataíde, 733 Centro, Espírito Santo, Brazil

Module 2 - Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It?

CLT Module 2: Silao, Mexico

Iglesia Cristiana Gracia Sublime, Silao, Gto, Mexico Oso 10, Centro, 36100 Silao de la Victoria, Mexico

Module 2 - Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It? Teaching the Process and Procedures of Biblical Counseling

CLT Module 2: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Sovereign Grace Church, Rio Grande, Brazil Ernes Alvez, 297, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Module 2 - Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It?

CLT Module 2: Brasilia, Brazil

Gama Oeste, Brasilia, Brazil St Oeste Eq. 1115 Gama Oeste, Brasilia DF, Brazil

Module 2 - Biblical Counseling: How Do You Do It?

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