Joel & Krista McCutcheon

Joel & Krista McCutcheon

Central America

Within months of becoming missionaries, Joel and Krista McCutcheon were being reminded daily of just how desperate their souls needed the gospel — they just didn’t realize it at the time. And then, the gospel found them in the form of biblical counseling. It was like “spring rain” (Hosea 6:3) to their souls. After seeing their marriage being transformed by the hope of the gospel, they went on to earn their master’s degrees in Biblical Counseling and later started a counseling department for incoming missionaries at The Spanish Language Institute in San José, Costa Rica.


As cross-cultural workers, Joel and Krista are more committed to pastoral care than ever before, and they see the incredible need to teach biblical counseling to church leaders and missionaries.

Since 2018, Joel and Krista have been partnering with BCMW, hosting training events and teaching counseling throughout Central America.

The McCutcheons both have their master’s degrees in biblical counseling and are certified through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) with a specialization in Reconciliation and have received additional training to offer debriefing to people in ministry. Learn more about their ministry at

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