Rev. Bryan & Susan Nevin

Rev. Bryan & Susan Nevin


Our field is Mexico.  There are 129 million people in Mexico.  Biblical counseling is still in it’s early stages.  There are a few organizations that are involved in Biblical counseling training, but the majority of the country, including Mexico City, has very little Biblical counseling.  There is no certifying organization in the country.  We hope to start with the first module in the Mexico City area in 2020.

Bryan’s Story

I grew up in a Christian home.  My dad is a pastor.  At the age of four, I trusted in Christ to save me.  I have my B.A. in Bible with a missions concentration, and I have my M.Min. from Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, PA.  I finished my ACBC certification in 2017.  My first contact with Biblical counseling came in 2000 when I attended the Faith Biblical counseling conference in Lafayette, IN.  The conferences that I have attended have shaped my personal life and future ministry as a church planter.  It affected me personally by helping me to see the idols in my own life, and God still has a lot of work to do in me in the sanctification process.  It also changed the way that I do ministry.  My teaching focuses more on the heart and real Biblical change.  Now, we are starting a church in a suburb of Mexico City where we are using Biblical counseling and a community center to start the church.  We have been in Mexico since January of 2003, and before that we served in Honduras for 2 1/2 years.

In 2018, I found an article written by Wayne Vanderwier on the Biblical Counseling Coalition website.  I contacted him about how to start counseling certification in Mexico.  As we talked, he invited me to attend the BCMW Missionary Training Conference.  I attended that year, and I look forward to serving with BCMW.

Susan’s Story

I grew up in a Christian home where I was taught the Bible from an early age.  I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was four.  At the age of 11, God used a missionary speaker at an AWANA camp to challenge me to consider missions, and I dedicated my life to the Lord.  After graduating from college as an R.N., Bryan and I were married.  I am currently home schooling our children, who are my primary ministry, and working with the women’s and children’s ministries in the church plant.

Our Family

Susan and I were married in 1997.  We have six children (Joshua, Caleb, Abigail, Aaron, Nathan, and Matthew), with five of them still living at home, and the oldest is in college.

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